I’ve been seeing a lot of stripes and text lately … not too sure if it’s always been around and I’m noticing it more now because I’m into it or if there is a trend developing. Anyway, since I like to blast my mind with excessive amounts of visual stimulation I thought I’d share some of the imagery that’s caught my eye as well as something I made under the influence of stripes.
I saw this in the may issue of Monocle. I really like how conceptual this is, but when you know that it spells VOID you can actually make out the letters. This was designed by Lesley Moore
I saw this one on ffffound.com last week. Way lighter in tone and more fun.
So I was obviously thinking about stripes and text a lot and was messing around in Illustrator for an hour or so and made this.
into it
As a teen I would always put strips in text when I would collage my walls with way too many pages of Thrasher magazine. I fould that it made text more noticeable for some reason amongst a big wall ‘o vomit.
Hi Haig!
Just thought I’d drop a line to say hello – I really like what’s going on with the stripes and text…very Missoni inspired. Hope you’re doing well. We’re all bummed that you’re not teaching this fall.
hey Natalia,
Good to hear from you. how was your summer?
I am actually teaching a course at ECIAD (or should I say ECUAD) this fall. WEB Essentials is the name.
let me know when you’re at the school we can chat.